Monday, December 10, 2018


"Some people argue that using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial. Others totally disagree” Explain how you feel about it

     In the actual times, people are very accustomed to use cell-phones, and this is a tendency which has been growing with the years. Moreover, this discussion has extrapolate to education area and now there is debate between people who believes that use cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial for students, while on the other hand, there people who are totally disagree with this proposal. There are good arguments for both points of view, and this essay will argue that it is better not use cell-phones in the classroom.

     Students who use them cell-phones in the classroom are a reality that happens on a lot of schools in the world. Even if they are not allowed to use them, they do it anyway, doesn’t matter what teacher says. This situation can be a positive argue to the proposal of use cell-phones in classrooms; anyway students will use them, even if there is a prohibition, so the solution could be transform this condition from a problem to an opportunity for learning.Technology is an incredible opportunity 


Some people argue that Education is not necessarily important for the growth of a nation.
Argue in favor and against (if you feel so)

At present, the role of education for the growth of nations is a subject that generates debate. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present, this speech has taken on special importance, and this happens because education is an important part of people’s lives, and is a factor of change, development and progress in societies.

When we talk about the importance of education, we must bear in mind several factors involved in the topic, starting with the fact that education is a right, it is essential for the strengthening of democracy and influences the progress that people have in their lives. In conclusion for this introduction, education is necessary in all senses, and that’s why it is important for the growth of a nation.

As a first argument is the fact of education is a right, which must be respected by all nations, and not only because education can make growth the nations in an economic or technological way. Education also makes the population more aware, and people who are aware with others and with nature, can generate great changes and benefits for their nations. People have the right to education, to be more aware and to help in the growth of society.

Further to this, world experience shows that there is a relationship between the growth of a nation and the strengthening of education, even “According to the studies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an additional year of schooling increases the GDP per capita of a country between 4 and 7%.” (OCDE, 2009). For this reason, education is not a simple expense for countries, rather it is an investment, which is necessary for the growth of nations in all senses.

As a conclusion of this essay, education contributes to all aspects of life, and it is a social right that can achieve more equitable and developed societies.
There are many topics and conclusions that can be discussed from this topic, such as the control that is carried out through education, or how often it is considered as an object of consumption that only a few can access, or how the richest percentage of the population often opposes to people being educated, but for the purpose of this essay, I will conclude that education is very important for the growth of nations, and therefore, countries should give a major importance to this issue.

Fuente: OCDE, Perspectivas económicas para América Latina, 2009.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Money and Books


This line graph represents the money which Germany, France, Italy and Austria spent on books. The study start in 1995, continues to 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 and ends in 2005.
Additionally, the money for the study is considered in US dollars (millions) and goes to 0 to 100.

Data description:

The fourth countries start the study at the same time in 1995, and the first country I will describe is Germany -which is on the top of the line graph-. Since 1995 to 1999 the number of money destined for books increased slightly (from 80 to 90 million of dollars in 1999), however since 1999 to 2003 the numbers decreased (from 90 to 85 million in 2003) and go down slightly. And finally, for 2003 to 2005, the numbers went up again (from 85 to 95 million).

In the case of France since 1995 to 2001, the numbers were increased slowly. Start in 1995 with 55 million and had a pick in 2001 (with 70 million), and since then, the numbers were continually climbed to 2005 (75 million).

The third country is Austria, which start with 50 million of dollars in 1995 and have a little pick in 1997 with 55 million, and then gradually fall in 1999 (50 million). Since 1999 to 2005, the numbers increase again, going to the 50 million to 60 million in 2005.

And the last country is Italy, which start with 30 million, and continually rose to the pick of 1999 (40 million). Since 1999 to 2001, the numbers remained constant, though in 2001 the money destined for books increased significantly and continued to increase until 2005. The numbers were from 40 million to 70 million of dollars.


To conclude with the analysis of this line graph, it can be said that in a general way, the data has been fluctuating over the years, however this fluctuation hasn’t been drastic or dramatic, rather it can be considered as a part of a normal process.

The countries which have better results is Italy. This country has increased or has maintained its numbers and the graph doesn’t show any decline as in the rest of the countries. For these reasons I can say that Italy is the country that has been most concerned about the increase of money for books.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Formal text 2.0

How can anthropology help to the politics about public health in Chile?


Chile is a country that since its creation has been characterized by an important number of social inequalities. This problem increases when we talk about public health for the ordinary citizen. Unfortunately, throughout history the general and institutional thought of considering medicine and health as a consumer product has existed, in contrast with the ideal of health as a social right for all people. As a result of this thought, only a reduced part of population in Chile can have a good attention in this area, meanwhile the great majority has to accept a poor and incompetent public health attention with resignation.
In summary, any government throughout history has been able to solve this problem, which is the reason why anthropology has to intervene with the new policies of public health.


Despite the modernity and the return of democracy in Chile, a large portion of the Chilean population just does not have enough resources to access to a good health attention. This is a fact, and according with the numbers of the director of the Department of Politic Sciences of the UAH, Ignacio Cienfuegos, close to 60% of population have to resort to the public system.
To illustrate the actual situation, the results the study of “Chile Dice” (elaborated by the University Alberto Hurtado) shows us that a majority of Chilean population sees the public health as a priority problem, despite other problems like education, pensions and economic development.  


As a solution, anthropology can start to help with an initial research of the problem, using the resources of the subject, like ethnography at the public hospitals or using statistics methods for have a better comprehension of the situation and finally give an dignified public health to the population of Chile.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Formal text

How can anthropology help to the politics about public health in Chile?


Chile is a country that since its creation has been characterized by an important number of social inequalities. This problem increases when we talk about public health for the ordinary citizen. Unfortunately, throughout history the general and institutional thought of considering medicine and health as a consumer product has existed, in contrast with the ideal of health as a social right for all people. As a result of this thought, only a very reduced part of population in Chile can have a good attention in this area, meanwhile the majority has to accept a poor and incompetent public health attention with resignation. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Biographical data

Cecilia Araya is a second year student of Anthropology in the University of Chile. She is in the fourth semester and her experience until now goes to do research for the subjects of her career, to ethnography work in her free time. In her research, Cecilia has demonstrate a strong inclination for Social Anthropology and Archaeology in investigations like Primary instruction and public politics of Mapuche kids in the region of the Araucania on the context of Centenary (1870-1820), an research for the subject of Ethnohistory, which had an excellent mark and which took a complete semester of investigations to Cecilia and her colleagues. 

For the third year, Cecilia is going to specialize in Social Anthropology and hopes to work like assistant with the teacher R. René Heinz F. González. In addition, for future investigations and projects, Cecilia wants to collaborate with  R. René Heinz F. González, and do research about Rapa Nui and Polynesian culture. Also, her interest focus is in the extreme south territory of Chile and the vindication of the original cultures, the problems, continuities and discontinuities which can help to resolve the actual conflicts. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Writing about Teresa

From: Cecilia
To: Stephanie
Subject: Hi from Chile

Dear Stephanie,

Hi, I can tell you a lot of things about my dear friend Teresa. First of all, she's 20, and she is studying architecture in the same university as me, but unfortunately we are in different campus. 
She comes from a big country family (she lives in a rural zone of Santiago), so she's used to be with a lot of people.

Teresa have a very good personality, is a really sweet person, always care about the others, and is responsible and clean. Also she always try to help when she goes to other houses, so don't surprise if she try this.

About her hobbies, Teresa always is drawing (and is very talented). About her interest, I think this are drawing, architecture, materials for do miniatures, pencils and Justin Bieber, but I am not so sure about this last one.

And finally, about a "negative" thing of her personality, I can say she's quite introvert, because she is a little bit shy, but only at first, with the days she will be more sociable with you and your family, she only needs familiarized with you.

I hope that's useful. If you need something else please write to me.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Free time

Hi again! I hope you will be okay. I think this is the last post, and today we have to talk about a free time activity. The activity I most do when I have some free time is to knit. It's something that I really enjoy, and I love it because is a good way to spend time, it's very fun (for me at least), it helps in my concentration and I can do some very useful stuff for winter, like scarves, wool hats, gloves, among other things, and you can do it in any place. I always try to look for a place outdoors because I enjoy more this activity when I'm close to nature.

I think I  do this activity at least once a week. I would like to have more time for this, but sometimes I really just can't, or I don't have the enough energy or concentration to knit, specially in this times of the end of the semester. On the other hand, when it's summer or winter vacation, I can spend all my time knitting.

All this activity involves a whole process. At first; you have to have an idea of what do you want to knit (or maybe you don't need it, I don't know, but this it's part of my very personal process), then, you can go to buy the wool that you like, at third you look for some chopstick or crochet that fits your wool, and finally you can start with your new project! 

Like something extra that I want to say for the end of this blog, it's that I've spent all this day knitting a scarf  with a friend at "Calama" XD and I don't have any regrets. Today -finally- I've finish the scarf I was doing for a dear friend, so I'm really happy and I think this have been a very productive day.
Well, that's all. Goodbyeee!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Beautiful world of Twitter

Hi! Today we have to talk about an app, and my favourite one is definitely Twitter <3. I discover it the last year, on April or March (I don't remember very well), because a friend of the university always talk to me about Twitter and how fun and great it is, so I decided to try and install the app on my cellphone (THE BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE). 
In the past I thought it was a very boring app, and I never put it attention (The biggest mistake of my life), but now I use it almost everyday, and I totally love it. I think I like this much because is a very fun social media, I mean, EVERYTHING is on twitter, the most recently news, opinions, trending topics, rumors, and more. I always laugh when I'm on twitter <3

I think I recommend twitter to everybody, specially if you have a band or an artist that really likes you, because the fandom posts are really fun and you can be informed about the most recently news of your band (or whatever you like it). But also, this app have a "dark side" and you can find really annoying people (like pro-life, sexist and stupid people, who always post horrible things). You only have to ignore them (cause fight with they is a waste of time).

Finally, one of the best things of Twitter is watch series. There's a big difference between people who watch T.V and people who watch T.V with Twitter. When you discover this new world, you can watch T.V without your cellphone in your hand.

Pd: Watch Perdona Nuestros Pecados with twitter. You will not regret, that is for sure. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

My performance

At first I have some troubles with reading activity because I didn't read very well the texts, so I put some wrong answers, but this only happen at first.  In the others activities I was more concentrated and I have a better performance.
I think the most easy part for me was listening, because I always get high results in this part, but the vocabulary activities was more difficult. Grammar is my weak point.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Save enough money!

Hello! today we have to talk about an ambition and for the moment, my biggest ambition is collect enough money for going to a concert! This have been my objetive since the last year, when I realize that the band I like (It's a South Korean boyband XD) can comeback to Chile anytime. When I think on the idea of not going to their concert I get really sad, and for that I propuse to myself this ambition. So, when the uncle Noix starts to sell the tickets for the concert I will be ready with my money for buy the best ticket.  

I think the only person involved in all this it's me, because I'm who decides to save money. The most important part of my ambition depends on me. Maybe I can mention to a friend, who always stops me when I want to spend the money on really innecesary things. I really appreciate that.
And for make this come true I've been saving money since the last year because I'm sure the ticket will be very expensive ): I need to be prepared because everything in Chile is always more expensive than the other countrys.

Finally, like something extra, I think the sale of the tickets will be start very soon, and I read on Twitter (I know, it's not the most reliable source) that it can beging the first week of August! So I'm really nervous and anxius, because fans are very crazy and will be really hard buy one ticket ): I need more time!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hi, I'm Leo

Hi, today we have to talk about horoscope, so I will start saying that I'm Leo and I was born one 24th of July on 1998 (My birthday is very close jiji). At first when I was in high school, I didn't know nothing about astral chart or start signs, but everything change on my first day of university. I remember the first question that someone ask to me was: What is your start sign? I didn't think too much about it and I say: Hi, I'm Leo and you? and she says: I'm Gemini, and I was like, Oh great, good for you, I like Gemini, but inside I was thinking about how I don't know nothing about this. With the time I start to know more about start signs, ascendant signs, sun, moon, etc.

My first approach to the astral chart was thanks to the web, in a very reliable page of internet called Los, (fully recommended). In this site I discover that my sun and moon are Leo (I know, I'am a very Leo person), and my ascendant sign is Sagittarius. I really like know things about the horoscope, I think it's really fun talk to people about this, and judge them according to their sign XD


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

We can work from home

Hi! today we have to talk about a job that would like to do in the future. I know I'm studying a career, but I'm still not sure about my future ): I still don't know what mention to choose and for now I think I just go from one day to the next. Even so, when I look at things that I might like to do, always come to mind something related to my own business (like work from home, or on my own local,  and be my own boss). I still don't know what kind of business could be, for now can be any type of work, from food o something related to my career (for example, an organization dedicated to the archaeological rescue, I don't know yet).

I want to work in my own business because I don't want to have any boss, I want to be my own boss and do the things that I really want to do, I don't want to be pressured by anyone, and for make this come true the qualities I think I really need is to be very organized and constant. 

Be my own boss, like Lenny

If I decide to have a little business as future job, I think my reward will be the satisfaction of reach my goals and MONEY, I know, it sounds very capitalist and horrible, but we leave in this society, and unfortunately we need money to survive ): 
Other things that I always wanted to do as future job are related to the environment and animal protection. My dream job since I was five years old is to be multimillionaire and have a foundation for help to animals in danger ): I hope that one day I win the Kino or Loto and can do this.

I like to put a lot of gifs 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

My first day

Hello! Today we have to talk about our first day at the university. Was one day of the last year, I remember that I was very nervous and excited. I was very worried because I didn't know where was the classroom and because I always get lost, so I was afraid of get lost in my first day XD and I was also late for the class (like always, until today). For my good luck before the first day I had met a girl called Camila. She called me to ask if I had arrived, so I had the opportunity to ask her where was the classroom and thanks to that I didn't get lost the first day :)

I talked with a lot of people, but I can't remember who they were XD (I have a very bad memory for remember faces) I think they even wasn't from the career XD but whatever, the person I remember the most is Camila, because she likes K-pop <3. So, the first day I made a tour by the campus (for not to get lost at the next day), eat a giant "completo" and talk with other students.

The first classes were fine to me, except for philosophy of social sciences, since the first day I hated that class. I remember that I really liked archeology with the teacher Carolina Belmar <3 her classes was ones of the best for me. I can't remember which was the very first class XD I think was anthropology, but I'm not very sure, I only remember that I enjoyed that class until they made us read Levi Strauss.

Other thing I want to add is that I was very surprised by the amount of kiosks and the impressive offer of food that they offered, it made me very happy to know that it was not so expensive and it was also delicious!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Something personal

Hi! Today I'm going to talk about one of my best friends, her name is Teresa and we met in 7th grade in 2011. At first we didn't talk much because we were in different group of friends, but in 8th grade our groups somehow got together and we started to talk. We realized that we had a lot in common, because we liked the same books (Divergent and The Hunger Games XD) and the same series (Pretty Little Liars <3)

Our tastes have changed over the time, now we are more mature (I suppose XD), but we still have a lot in common, like our musical tastes, they are very similar (we love Foster The People <3). 
Currently she is studying architecture at the University of Chile, so she is very busy): she always has to make models and projects, and I am also busy (although not as busy as Teresa). For all this we can't see so much to each other, but sometimes I go to her house in Pirque to talk and spend time like the old times <3

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Feel good

Something that makes me feel good these days is BTS, a South Korean group. I didn't like that much K pop before, but now I really enjoy it. It started like an accident (a really happy one) and now I'm learning about a new culture. It's a little bit embarrassing, because people sometimes see this like something weird :'( but I feel really happy when they win important awards, make funny videos, post on twitter or produce new songs (they are doing this right now and I'm very excited), so I don't care that much.

Since I like BTS, and others K-pop groups, they take away a lot of my time :'( it's something really actual and all this groups have a lot of competition, so, for always being on the top they have to constantly post new material, photos or videos. Everyday something happen and I don't want to be out of day. Even if they take me away a lot of time I do not regret anything.

Other things I want to do this semester is watch series like Stranger Things (everybody says I have to watch it), Dark, House of Cards, Rick and Morty, etc. And another thing I want to do is watch less Perdona Nuestros Pecados and Verdades Ocultas, Mega obsess me! ):