Tuesday, July 10, 2018

We can work from home

Hi! today we have to talk about a job that would like to do in the future. I know I'm studying a career, but I'm still not sure about my future ): I still don't know what mention to choose and for now I think I just go from one day to the next. Even so, when I look at things that I might like to do, always come to mind something related to my own business (like work from home, or on my own local,  and be my own boss). I still don't know what kind of business could be, for now can be any type of work, from food o something related to my career (for example, an organization dedicated to the archaeological rescue, I don't know yet).

I want to work in my own business because I don't want to have any boss, I want to be my own boss and do the things that I really want to do, I don't want to be pressured by anyone, and for make this come true the qualities I think I really need is to be very organized and constant. 

Be my own boss, like Lenny

If I decide to have a little business as future job, I think my reward will be the satisfaction of reach my goals and MONEY, I know, it sounds very capitalist and horrible, but we leave in this society, and unfortunately we need money to survive ): 
Other things that I always wanted to do as future job are related to the environment and animal protection. My dream job since I was five years old is to be multimillionaire and have a foundation for help to animals in danger ): I hope that one day I win the Kino or Loto and can do this.

I like to put a lot of gifs 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! It would be really nice to being our own boss hahaha we could have a lot of liberties. You're right, to achieve that it would take a lot of work, responsibility and constancy, but at the end of the day, it would be worth it totally. So, I hope that you could do your bussiness successfully in the future!
