Monday, December 10, 2018


"Some people argue that using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial. Others totally disagree” Explain how you feel about it

     In the actual times, people are very accustomed to use cell-phones, and this is a tendency which has been growing with the years. Moreover, this discussion has extrapolate to education area and now there is debate between people who believes that use cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial for students, while on the other hand, there people who are totally disagree with this proposal. There are good arguments for both points of view, and this essay will argue that it is better not use cell-phones in the classroom.

     Students who use them cell-phones in the classroom are a reality that happens on a lot of schools in the world. Even if they are not allowed to use them, they do it anyway, doesn’t matter what teacher says. This situation can be a positive argue to the proposal of use cell-phones in classrooms; anyway students will use them, even if there is a prohibition, so the solution could be transform this condition from a problem to an opportunity for learning.Technology is an incredible opportunity 

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