Monday, December 10, 2018


Some people argue that Education is not necessarily important for the growth of a nation.
Argue in favor and against (if you feel so)

At present, the role of education for the growth of nations is a subject that generates debate. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present, this speech has taken on special importance, and this happens because education is an important part of people’s lives, and is a factor of change, development and progress in societies.

When we talk about the importance of education, we must bear in mind several factors involved in the topic, starting with the fact that education is a right, it is essential for the strengthening of democracy and influences the progress that people have in their lives. In conclusion for this introduction, education is necessary in all senses, and that’s why it is important for the growth of a nation.

As a first argument is the fact of education is a right, which must be respected by all nations, and not only because education can make growth the nations in an economic or technological way. Education also makes the population more aware, and people who are aware with others and with nature, can generate great changes and benefits for their nations. People have the right to education, to be more aware and to help in the growth of society.

Further to this, world experience shows that there is a relationship between the growth of a nation and the strengthening of education, even “According to the studies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an additional year of schooling increases the GDP per capita of a country between 4 and 7%.” (OCDE, 2009). For this reason, education is not a simple expense for countries, rather it is an investment, which is necessary for the growth of nations in all senses.

As a conclusion of this essay, education contributes to all aspects of life, and it is a social right that can achieve more equitable and developed societies.
There are many topics and conclusions that can be discussed from this topic, such as the control that is carried out through education, or how often it is considered as an object of consumption that only a few can access, or how the richest percentage of the population often opposes to people being educated, but for the purpose of this essay, I will conclude that education is very important for the growth of nations, and therefore, countries should give a major importance to this issue.

Fuente: OCDE, Perspectivas económicas para América Latina, 2009.

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