Monday, November 19, 2018

Money and Books


This line graph represents the money which Germany, France, Italy and Austria spent on books. The study start in 1995, continues to 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 and ends in 2005.
Additionally, the money for the study is considered in US dollars (millions) and goes to 0 to 100.

Data description:

The fourth countries start the study at the same time in 1995, and the first country I will describe is Germany -which is on the top of the line graph-. Since 1995 to 1999 the number of money destined for books increased slightly (from 80 to 90 million of dollars in 1999), however since 1999 to 2003 the numbers decreased (from 90 to 85 million in 2003) and go down slightly. And finally, for 2003 to 2005, the numbers went up again (from 85 to 95 million).

In the case of France since 1995 to 2001, the numbers were increased slowly. Start in 1995 with 55 million and had a pick in 2001 (with 70 million), and since then, the numbers were continually climbed to 2005 (75 million).

The third country is Austria, which start with 50 million of dollars in 1995 and have a little pick in 1997 with 55 million, and then gradually fall in 1999 (50 million). Since 1999 to 2005, the numbers increase again, going to the 50 million to 60 million in 2005.

And the last country is Italy, which start with 30 million, and continually rose to the pick of 1999 (40 million). Since 1999 to 2001, the numbers remained constant, though in 2001 the money destined for books increased significantly and continued to increase until 2005. The numbers were from 40 million to 70 million of dollars.


To conclude with the analysis of this line graph, it can be said that in a general way, the data has been fluctuating over the years, however this fluctuation hasn’t been drastic or dramatic, rather it can be considered as a part of a normal process.

The countries which have better results is Italy. This country has increased or has maintained its numbers and the graph doesn’t show any decline as in the rest of the countries. For these reasons I can say that Italy is the country that has been most concerned about the increase of money for books.

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