Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Free time

Hi again! I hope you will be okay. I think this is the last post, and today we have to talk about a free time activity. The activity I most do when I have some free time is to knit. It's something that I really enjoy, and I love it because is a good way to spend time, it's very fun (for me at least), it helps in my concentration and I can do some very useful stuff for winter, like scarves, wool hats, gloves, among other things, and you can do it in any place. I always try to look for a place outdoors because I enjoy more this activity when I'm close to nature.

I think I  do this activity at least once a week. I would like to have more time for this, but sometimes I really just can't, or I don't have the enough energy or concentration to knit, specially in this times of the end of the semester. On the other hand, when it's summer or winter vacation, I can spend all my time knitting.

All this activity involves a whole process. At first; you have to have an idea of what do you want to knit (or maybe you don't need it, I don't know, but this it's part of my very personal process), then, you can go to buy the wool that you like, at third you look for some chopstick or crochet that fits your wool, and finally you can start with your new project! 

Like something extra that I want to say for the end of this blog, it's that I've spent all this day knitting a scarf  with a friend at "Calama" XD and I don't have any regrets. Today -finally- I've finish the scarf I was doing for a dear friend, so I'm really happy and I think this have been a very productive day.
Well, that's all. Goodbyeee!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Beautiful world of Twitter

Hi! Today we have to talk about an app, and my favourite one is definitely Twitter <3. I discover it the last year, on April or March (I don't remember very well), because a friend of the university always talk to me about Twitter and how fun and great it is, so I decided to try and install the app on my cellphone (THE BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE). 
In the past I thought it was a very boring app, and I never put it attention (The biggest mistake of my life), but now I use it almost everyday, and I totally love it. I think I like this much because is a very fun social media, I mean, EVERYTHING is on twitter, the most recently news, opinions, trending topics, rumors, and more. I always laugh when I'm on twitter <3

I think I recommend twitter to everybody, specially if you have a band or an artist that really likes you, because the fandom posts are really fun and you can be informed about the most recently news of your band (or whatever you like it). But also, this app have a "dark side" and you can find really annoying people (like pro-life, sexist and stupid people, who always post horrible things). You only have to ignore them (cause fight with they is a waste of time).

Finally, one of the best things of Twitter is watch series. There's a big difference between people who watch T.V and people who watch T.V with Twitter. When you discover this new world, you can watch T.V without your cellphone in your hand.

Pd: Watch Perdona Nuestros Pecados with twitter. You will not regret, that is for sure.